Tracing and Quantifying Sources of Fatty Acids and Steroids in Amended Cultivated Soils

Mise à jour : 20 janvier 2009
matière organique
eaux (géographie)

Mots-Clés Auteurs : Organic matter; animal manures; biomarker; experimental fields; polar compounds; persistence / / Soluble organic fractions from soils of two agricultural sites from / Brittany (France) have been analyzed to (i) identify the source of / polar compounds in soils and (ii) evaluate the impact of organic / fertilization and crop type on the distribution and concentration of / polar compounds in soils. The main sources of polar compounds in soils / are higher plants; they represent >70% of the polar compounds from the / experimental sites and mainly originate from crop residues and animal / manure. Crop type and animal manure application significantly increase / the polar compound concentrations in soils. Among polar compounds, / fatty acids cannot be used as specific markers because their / distributions in soils whatever the crop type or organic fertilization / type are the same. On the other hand, analysis of steroids provides / interesting information. Cow and poultry manure applications increase / only the concentration of steroids. Pig slurry fertilization modifies / both the concentration and distribution of steroids. The identified pig / slurry steroid fingerprint can persist in the soil for 9 years after / the slurry application has been stopped. Those compounds are then / robust markers to detect pig slurry contribution in soils.

Notice détaillée

Tracing and Quantifying Sources of Fatty Acids and Steroids in Amended Cultivated Soils
Type de document
Publication scientifique
Auteurs personnes
Gruau Gérard
Jardé Emilie
Unité mixte de recherche Géosciences Rennes (UMR 6118)
Date de parution
20 janvier 2009