Premiers résultats sur l'hydrologie, l'oxygène dissous et les pigments photosynthétiques en Manche Occidentale après l'échouage de l"Amoco Cad

Mise à jour : 20 juin 1978
pollution chimique

During the cruises "SUROIT 1", "SUROIT 3" and "THALIA 1", many analyses of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll have been carried out in order to ascertain some ei iects of oil spilL of "AMOCO CADIZ" on oxygen concentrations and phytop lancton behaviour. These first results show an under-saturat ion of oxygen, four weeks after stranding, in S6a-water standing between 10 to 20 milles eastward of "AMOCO CADIZ". These data allow to do sonic considerations about oxydation of hydrocarbons in sea-water. In estuaries, especially Aber Wrac'h, one of the most polluted, the analyses do not show obvious anomaly one month after oil spill. Quantitative results on chlorophyll "a" and phaeopigments don't seem to show any noticeable disturbance, neither off, nor near the coast, from two weeks to lour weeks after oil spi 11.

Notice détaillée

Premiers résultats sur l'hydrologie, l'oxygène dissous et les pigments photosynthétiques en Manche Occidentale après l'échouage de l"Amoco Cad
Type de document
Auteurs personnes
Kerouel, R
Aminot, Alain
Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Océans (CNEXO)
Date de parution
20 juin 1978