Micro-pollutant content in Anguilla anguilla glass eels and relationship with migratory behaviour

Mise à jour : 20 janvier 2007
eaux côtières
qualité de l'eau

The concentrations of ten trace elements barium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel, strontium, vanadium and zinc) were determined in the whole-body of glass eels caught in the Adour estuary, and exhibiting different levels of activity in laboratory. Glass eels that become active in response to a decrease in light intensity in flume present significantly lower values than those remaining buried in the substratum for Pb (p = 0.010) and Zn (p = 0.049). Results are discussed in relation to migratory behaviour.

Notice détaillée

Micro-pollutant content in Anguilla anguilla glass eels and relationship with migratory behaviour
Type de document
Publication scientifique
Auteurs personnes
Bareille. G.
Bolliet. V.
Lambert. P.
Bardonnet. A.
Auteurs organismes
Bureau Du Colombier. S.
s. n.
Date de parution
20 janvier 2007