Granite petrogenesis revealed by combined gravimetric and radiometric imaging

Mise à jour : 20 janvier 2011

In peneplaned terranes, it is often impossible to get a full 3D view of geological objects. In the case of granitic plutons, for which intrusive relationships between constituent units can provide first order information regarding their petrogenesis, this lack of 3D field evidence is a major issue. Indirect observations can be provided by geophysical surveys. Here, we interpret field gravity data and airborne gamma ray radiometric maps with whole rock geochemistry data in order to obtain information on granite petrogenesis. First, we test our proposed combined geophysical and geochemical approach on the Huelgoat Variscan intrusion (Armorican Massif, France) and we show that ternary radiometric maps are a good proxy for the distribution of K, U and Th radioelements. Then, we apply our method to the Lizio and Questembert Variscan graniticintrusions (Armorican Massif) and show that some features characteristic of the intrusions, such as the feeding zones, can be localised by geophysical imaging. Indeed, radiometric maps constitute a frozen image of the latest stage of the magmatic building of plutons.

Notice détaillée

Granite petrogenesis revealed by combined gravimetric and radiometric imaging
Type de document
Publication scientifique
Auteurs personnes
Vigneresse, Jean Louis
BOULVAIS, Philippe
Poujol Marc
Date de parution
20 janvier 2011