Bilan des études méthodologiques 2007 pour le projet d'analyse des risques de mortalité d'huîtres en baie de Quiberon

Mise à jour : 20 mars 2008
biologie marine
sédiment marin

(subtidal on-bottom rearings), has been the year of the gestation for the RISCO-QB project (Risks in shellfish farming, in baie de Quiberon). Discussions with various potential partners have resulted in the project drafting with 3 main objectives :
- estimation of the trophic capacity of the bay and adjustment of the rearing biomass,
- impact of sediment nearness upon on-bottom technique and adjustment of the rearing practices,
- appraisal of the impact of these 2 factors (trophic capacity and sediment nearness) on the budget of the farming companies and their consequences in the management of the mortality risk.
Concurrently with the project writing, pre-studies, mainly methodological, have been conducted in the bay since 2007 in order to investigate the specific methodologies required by the subtidal on-bottom rearing technique and to provide basic data to the several-years study (2008-2012) of the RISCO-QB project :
- Sampling of sediment (Nov. 2007) for granulometric and chemical (organic matter) analysis,
- Physical and phytoplanctonical monitoring, in situ (probes),
- Potential use of spatail remote detection for the seawater monitoring,
- Comparative monitoring of mortality and growth of on-bottom and off-bottom oysters,
- Investigations for a specific technique of stock sampling for the subtidal culture,
- Setting-up of the project co-management.

Notice détaillée

Bilan des études méthodologiques 2007 pour le projet d'analyse des risques de mortalité d'huîtres en baie de Quiberon
Type de document
Auteurs personnes
Fleury, Pierre-gildas
Bouget Jean-francois
Langlade, Aime
Mazurie Joseph
Philippon, Xavier
Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)
Date de parution
20 mars 2008