Modélisation des flux azotés du profil cultural : ModelN

Mise à jour : 20 janvier 1995

Management of cropping system takes into account the soil nitrogen's availability with its agronomical and environemental effects. An interactive model has been developped to calculate each nitrogenous flux that may modify the amount of available nitrogen for both plant uptake and leaching : modelN. The general equation and three typical applications are presented. Some experimental data have been established at a drainage site with wetting conditions (at Arrou, in the center of France) and others on a deep and well-drained soil (at Caulnes, in Brittany). Management of crop residues and pig slurry utilization have been studied under Winter wheat during Winter and the following growing season. Gaseous losses and net mineralization or immobilization have been estimated for various seasons. Moreover, nitrogen plant uptake has been compared with its availability in the rooting zone and its yield efficiency. ModelN est construit autour d'un concept d' azote disponible et d'une représentation de ses liaisons avec les flux qui le composent ou en découlent. La disponibilité est finalisée sur un double devenir possible : le lessivage et l'absorption. Ce concept d'azote disponible sert d'interface avec l'élaboration de la production végétale.

Notice détaillée

Modélisation des flux azotés du profil cultural : ModelN
Type de document
Auteurs personnes
Belan J.
Centre national du machinisme agricole du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (Cemagref)
Date de parution
20 janvier 1995